There’s always room for improvements!

Is it just me? Or are preschoolers more demanding? Or maybe it’s just different personalities! I’ve never had issues with Tristan when he was this age. He was very easy to raise during his pre-school years. He listened very well and rarely threw tantrums. Maybe it’s a boy thing? I’m not sure! I really have a hard time with Maya. Not that she’s a bad child, because children should never be labeled as “bad.” But Maya is my strong willed girl. I truly admire her personality because I know it will make her a strong, independent, determined woman when she gets older. But whew child! There are times when my blood boils because she can be a lot to handle.

I’ve decided to take a different approach. Yelling and arguing with her wasn’t working... at all. In fact, it made matters worse. I’ve done my research and decided to enroll in’s Positive Guidance Strategies for Children course. It only took me 20-30 minutes to go through the entire course and it was so helpful. I ended up learning about an approach that was better suited when it comes to dealing with Maya

Positive Guidance is an approach to guidance that recognizes behavior as a form of communication; communication that children are experiencing an unmet need or strong emotion. Emotions are great! We may not like the emotions they are showing but showing individual emotions is healthy for them. We should not punish them for expressing how they feel. The course gave me ideas and guidelines to keep in mind when dealing with difficult behavior from my little one

Just because we’re adults does not mean we should stop educating ourselves. My husband is really big on expanding our mind. He loves to research everything! The other day, he did his research on sleep patterns. He asked me what I would be interested in learning more about. As a photographer, you’d think I want to know more about the art of photography, but my passion before photography is my children.

I will never stop learning about how I can become a better parent. There’s always room for improvements, right? The first step is finding where you need to improve. I want my kids to know I’m trying my very best. I’m not perfect but I’m trying all that I can do to become a better mother for them.

And that’s where comes in. is where parents go to learn from an ever-growing library of 70+ online research-based courses. With, parents can quickly become fluent in infant, toddler and preschool care through brief 30-minute courses. All courses are available 24/7/365 on any device and can be started/stopped at anytime, allowing families to conveniently learn how to parent like a pro.

Want to join me in becoming a better parent? Click here to sign-up for yourself! They’ve got a free seven-day trial or, if you’re ready to join now, you can get 20% off a one-month subscription using my code “MN1Month” now until June 13, 2021.

If there’s one thing you can improve in your parenting, what would it be? I highly recommend checking out the courses that offers that can help you improve! It’s helped me so much and I’m sure it will you, too.


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